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Sunday, 7 July 2013

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BBA Liveshow: Has it goes, Tanzania’s Wakazi Kills It Off


After a whole week of waiting for the young talented Tanzanian “Wakazi” to perform on the live eviction eviction show, he has finally done his thing on the Big Brother Africa stage.
He has began by performing a great jam titled “Weekend/Touch” which was a combination of both English and Kiswahili ryhmes with a lot of energy which totally left all the Big Brother Africa fans crazy and while he was putting out his rymes, all the sexy girls were tirelessly cheering the sexy Tanzanian rapper.

Later after Fatima and Hakeem had been evicted from the Big Brother house, Wakazi stepped again on the Big Brother Africa stage with another killer jam titled Sexy Lady.

He completely killed it off with this one because even the evicted Fatima could not hold it anymore, she stood and started dancing to the tune of the song.

Pokello, Cleo, Hakeem, Fatima, Angelo, Nando and Bimp are up for possible eviction this week. Please vote for your favorite housemate to keep them in the game.

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