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Thursday, 6 June 2013

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#BBA thechase Rendezvous:As Hakeem And Cleo Set To Meet.


WOW! Love is in the air on Big Brother The Chase, ……the started but unfinished love journey between the now Diamond Housemate Hakeem and Ruby’s Cleo is slated to continue with part two on Saturday evening.

This week Big Brother gave Housemates a task(Crush wall) with an aim of letting Housemates from the two Houses meet with their crushes from the opposite House. The Housemates who had the most crushes were to meet the person they wanted to see on the other side.

In an operation “Save Hakeem and Cleo’s love” launched by Housemates from both Houses, Housemates agreed on crushing the two Housemates so that they meet. The Diamonds were voting for Cleo as those in the Ruby House were crushing Hakeem.

At the end of the task, Hakeem and Cleo were head and shoulders over the rest of the Housemates implying that they had qualified for date.

Upon winning their wager after the task presentation this evening, Big Brother use this opportunity to deliver some good news to the couple. He first congratulated Hakeem for receiving the most crushes from the other House and he later called him to the Diary room too confirm the name of the person he wanted to meet from the other House-Of course it was Cleo.

Minutes later Biggie took the same news to the Ruby House congratulating Cleo for having received the most crushes form the Diamond House. Cleo too was called in the Diary Room to confirm whether Hakeem was the person she wanted to meet from the Diamond House. Hmm Biggie was joking as if he din’t know!

Amazingly, when the two were asked whether they think that the other wanted to meet the other, their answer was;”I don’t know”.

Well, the battle is now finished and the duo’s Rendezvous is slated on Saturday evening.

Do you think that Cleo and Hakeem’s love is for real?


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