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Sunday, 14 July 2013

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BBAthechase: Angelo and Beverly, Latest of Romance but More Wilder


If there has ever been any big brother season like the Chase as concerns “falling” in love,then it is definitely not in Africa! Sorry should I call it love or lust? Nah, I think I should call it satiating sexual desires!

Come to think of it,it is like everybody in this Chase just wants to kiss someone! To some it is real to others it’s all pretence.Even those who feel left alone want to force relationships to work even when the other party is not interested!
First,it was Bolt and Betty,then LK4 and Koketso, then comes Cleo and Hakeem, Oneal and Feza, the Selly and Nando mini hook up,Elikem,Fatima and Pokelo confusion and now…drumrolls the least expected couple of all time Angelo and Beverly. Honestly let’s be honest here, do you see anything these two have in common? I don’t think so.

Angelo is one mature dude who respects women and acts his age in anything he does. This makes him a favourite of some sorts as well. Beverly on the other hand is one weird character. She is just too jumpy for anybody in that house. She is determined to get some. The first kiss she had with Angelo last saturday at the party was totally unexpected and this weekend’s party even showed her vulnerability some more.

She just looked super horny and I have mad respect for Angelo for not leading her on. Any jerk of a guy would have seen this as an opportunity to get laid. And clearly Beverly in such a drunk position would easily unleash her goodie bag for serial frisking!

But looking at this relationship though, it just doesn’t make too much sense to me! Honestly it is weird. See, I love Angelo and Beverly both in different calibres but them together,I don’t believe there is anything real about it! I know some of you are thinking who the hell does Kyle think he is to judge! Am not judging at all,this is just my opinion.

I totally like these two playing hard to get. That intrigue would make the game interesting. I understand why these two would wanna hook up. It is only sexual starvation pushing them to the edge! Trust me just a month locked up in there will get inside any guy’s trousers and mess you up mentally. Its gets normal after the second month is gone. If only Beverly knew how I love her game,my oh my.

I love this girl but I don’t think she is doing the right thing expediting the whole process for Angelo to get it on! Mad respect to you Angelo again! Keep that tail in your pants and trust me you will get enough of it once you are out of that house! Eish, I feel idiotic saying these words but don’t mind me I am just mentally hilarious!

But in a nutshell, relationships in this season just look forced. It is all strategy and am sure that person who will choose not to get into deep will be the victor in 6 weeks! I trust my insticts on this one.
Matters eviction I hope Melvin and Cleo survive this week. I still think these two are the guys to watch! Good luck to everyone voting for their own.

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