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Friday, 19 July 2013

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BBAthechase: Double Loss In The House


It was a double blow for both Ruby and Diamond houses…….The atmosphere in the two Biggie’s houses is murky following the loss of their wagers.

This week for their wagers housemates were to create circus games. They were all time required to put on the provided costumes and get into character while rehearsing.
As it has always been both houses decided to risk and wagered 100% despite the fact that they had no acting skills. Housemates were all this week busied trying to get into those characters which were meant to impress Big Brother.

Tonight was the day when housemates had to present all what they had prepared the entire week. From the Big man’s result revelation,starting with the Ruby house,they did all what was required but the lack of acting and failure to put on the costumes cost them their wager. Eventually, Biggie had to pass the final verdict informing the winning Rubies that this time they had lost their wager.

Sulu the current HOH was downed by this announcement and all housemates followed suit. Crossing over to the Diamond house, it was not different from what had happened to the Rubies.

Being that the Rubies had been earlier warned about wearing costumes and kicking off with the task immediately, it was the reason why they had nothing in their bag for the weekend despite the fact that they came up with a colorful performance.

For the Rubies, they had earlier on explained to Big Brother that they were not wearing their costumes because they had got dirty thus needed to be cleaned.

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