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Thursday, 25 July 2013

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GMB's word for the Day:Knowing When To Emerge

Timing is an integral part of God's plan for your life. You need to know what to do, and when to do it. If you wait too long you'll miss your window of God-given opportunity.
One author points out that as believers we experience two births: a natural and a spiritual birth. She writes: 'For some...spiritual birth happens in childhood. Others, like me, have to work to get there with a combination of effort and...the stripping down of layers of independence. Regardless of how we get to the spiritual labour/delivery room, at our appointed time - unlike a natural birth...we must be willing to be reborn. 
We can't remain in darkness and isolation. "When the time arrives [to] come to the opening of the womb" and be pushed into the world as a new creation, you must be willing to emerge. We all know people who attend every seminar and read every self-help book. They're always getting ready to emerge, but never quite make it. 
You may even be one of them. Perhaps God has given you a vision but you've hidden it away for so long waiting for the right time, it has become stale. Visions have a shelf life. They are for "an appointed [fixed, chosen, prearranged] time."' (Habakkuk 2:3 NIV) Maurice Chevalier said, 'If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it will never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved.' Bottom line: you can sit on the bench, or get involved in the game. Which will it be?

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