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Friday, 31 May 2013

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BBA 2013:Massive Twist, Two Housemates To Be Swapped!


It really getting fun in the Ruby  house now, as two of the house mates are about to be swap.. fun right?
Besides all the entertainment, fun, emotions, Love, Fights and others, the twits and turns in the Big Brother game make it worthy an eye brow as speculations go high with both the audience and Housemates waiting for what Biggie is cooking.

Five days in the game so far and only a day to the first eviction of the game, Big Brother has come up with a massive twist for the Housemates.

In the Arena,Biggie has arranged a competition between the two Houses (Ruby and Diamond) and the winning House will have two of their Housemates swapped for two others from the other House. This is to be done by the current Head of House from the Diary Room.

After the HOH’s decision the swapped Housemates will be given 30 minutes to prepare and leave for their New House. It has also been stipulated in the task brief that the swapped Housemates should they be Nominated for eviction, they’ll remain and if not or if they survive, they will be immune in the next Nominations.

In the Diamonds House, Denzel and Betty have so far been Feza’s choices while Beverly hasn’t yet decided in the Ruby.

This twist has created a murky atmosphere in both Houses as Housemates find it challenging to go and start a new life in another House after making friends and getting used to their original House.

What do you think will happen next and what is Biggie’s reason for this Big Twist?…. Keep it here for the latest Updates.

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