It is said a drunken tongue speaks a sober mind, but can the same be said about a drunken woman’s actions, do they reflect her sober thoughts?
The drunken woman in question here isSelly who, over the past few days, has proven to be quite a scandalous woman. First she used her ‘Save and Replace’ power to put Koketso on theEviction chopping block, despite telling the South Africa that she is cool with her. Then during the HoH swap; she went against everyone else’s wishes and did not reunite Cleo and Hakeem.
But the biggest drama of all came last night when the Ghanaian purposely spilled her drink on Pokello. Luckily the guys stepped in and calmed Pokello down before a fight broke out and Selly should thank her lucky stars because Pokello looks like the kind of woman that knows out to snatch a weave and then some.
If you look long and hard at all these events you can find one common trait in all of them; there is always a budding romance involved. Koketso is with LK4; Cleo and Hakeemwant to be together and since he moved into the House Elikem has been flirting with Pokello.
Hmmm, is this a coincidence or a conspiracy? Is Selly trying to break up all of the couples in the House? And if so, why – does she want all the men to herself? It certainly looks like it as she spent the night in both Sulu and Elikem’s bed.
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