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Monday, 10 June 2013

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BBAthechase: How they Were all Nominated, Who Did and Reasons Why.


I believe we all have been enjoying this season's BBA? And here we have all the nominations and how each contestants backed up why he or she nominates the other person.

Hakeem Nominates;

1. Dillish because she’s lazy, doesn’t clean and cook.

2. Nando because he thinks that he runs the show and hasn’t been nominated before.

Annabel Nominates;

1. Bolt because he’s very arrogant and bossy.

2. Motamma because she’s playing it safe.

Bolt Nominates;

1. Dillish because he hardly gets along well with her.

2. Annabel because she pokes her nose in other people’s business.

Betty Nominates;

1. Nando because he’s not real.

2. Feza because she’s not real.

Feza Nominates;

1. Biguesas because she’s not clicked with him.

2. Melvin because he’s HOH.

Bimp Nominates;

1. Bolt because he may survive as Africa loves him, he also a threat.

2. Beverly because he’s not seen her real side.

Nando Nominates;

1. Betty because he doesn’t know her that much.

2. Motamma because he’s not bonded with her.

Fatima Nominates;

1. Betty because she orders housemates around.

2. Annabel because she’s miss-knows-it-all.

Beverly Nominates;

1. Bolt because he’s a drama king, he has a girl friend is trying to hit on her.

2. Biguesas because he’s not strong enough to keep around, he’s always complaining about being sick all the time.

Dillish Nominates;

1. Bolt because he’s arrogant.

2. Hakeem because he’s always complaining about missing the Ruby house.

Melvin Nominates;

1. Biguesas because he’s a little bit quiet.

2. Annabel because she loud at times.

Motamma Nominates;

1. Nando because he’s not a team player.

2. Biguesas because he’s quiet.

Biguesasa Nominates;

1. Dillish because she had a conversation with Bolt yesterday and it sounded arrogant.

2. Bolt because he’s arrogant.

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