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Thursday, 13 June 2013

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BBAthechase: Crush Wall Session Results


Yesterday all housemates from both houses had their crush wall sessions to vote for their crushes in the opposite houses and today Big Brother announced the results of the crush wall sessions in both houses while all the housemates from the two houses were in the livings rooms. From the Diamond house it was Biguesas who got the highest number of crush votes and when he was called by Big Brother to the diary room, he was asked to choose the housemate from the Ruby house that he would like to meet in the gorgeous Rendezvous room, he first chose Maria but when informed by Big Brother that Maria was not among the housemates who crushed on him, he changed his decision and then chose Natasha.
Then from the Ruby house it was actually Zambian Cleo who got the highest number of crush votes and so she was called to the diary room by Big Brother so that she could choose the housemates she would love to meet in the Rendezvous room, but who else apart from the young Zimbabwean could she choose, she definately chose Hakeem and confirmed this to Big Brother.

And so this means that Biguesas will meet Natasha in the Rendezvous room and Cleo too will meet her sweet love Hakeem in the Rendezvous room.

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