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Friday, 1 February 2013

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Nothing is as real as a DREAM.
The world around YOU can change, but your DREAM will not change.
Your DREAM is within you, no one can take it away from you.

Positive DREAMS reaps positive results.
Your future lies in your dreams.
What you see is what you get.
Positive DREAMS will take you to the highest heights, while negative dreams will take you to the lowest depth.
Dreaming good is the first step to success in life.
Who you will be tomorrow is who you are in your dreams today.
Nothing happens unless you first DREAM IT.
It is then that you can dream your future into existence.
It is only when you have a dream that you can make a dream come true.

However, there is a world of difference between DREAMER and people who have DREAMS;
DREAMERS are many
People who have dreams are few
DREAMERS may hatch up wild plans and ideas, but you never see them happening.
People who have dreams may not blow their trumpet too loud, but if you watch, you will see it happen. These kinds of people are driven by their dreams.
DREAMERS lack discipline, but
People who have dreams have high level of self discipline.

If YOU can DREAM IT, you can do it
If YOU can see your goal in your mind, you can make it a reality.
If YOU can see yourself happy, successful, healthy and loving life, you can make it happen.
The CHOICE is yours.
You can dream your future into existence.

Olugbenga Stephen ASAOLU
©Fresh Motivation Int’l

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